Help With Daycare Costs
Find childcare assistance programs in your state to help cover costs
Taking care of kids–especially when they’re young–is a full-time job on its own. If you need assistance, there are government programs and local resources in your area to help.
Childcare assistance programs can help parents afford childcare so they can attend work or school.
Some states also offer free or discounted daycare for qualifying families, often in exchange for a small monthly co-payment. Because the eligibility varies greatly, and many have waitlists, we recommend starting as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can you apply?
Applications for childcare assistance can be submitted through a state or local agency either online, in-person, or on the phone, depending on your state.
Are there work requirements?
There are certain work requirements for childcare assistance. These requirements vary by state, but in most cases parents must be working or going to school.
Will childcare costs be covered fully?
Subsidies can seriously reduce the price, but it won’t always cover all of your costs. Depending on your income, you might need to pay a portion of the childcare expenses every month as a co-payment.
What documentation is needed?
Application paperwork will likely ask for documentation such as proof of citizenship or immigration status, where you live, and your income.