Insulate Your Home for Free

Reduce your bills and make your home more comfortable by improving your house’s protection against the weather. 

As a homeowner you can save an average of 11% on total energy costs by making updates to seal off your home's outer walls, windows, doors, and other openings - from outside weather.

Simple repairs to help you save can include: 

  • Insulating garages and attics
  • Fixing leaky pipes
  • Weatherstripping doors
  • Installing energy-efficient A/C units

What do I qualify for?

Book an appointment with an electrification expert to understand more about your possible savings to better insulate your home and prepare for weather changes. 


Book appointment 

What is the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)? 

Video courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy

Make your home more energy-efficient for free and you could save an average of $372 or more a year.

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) provides homeowners and renters with free home repairs and home upgrades to reduce energy costs that includes:

  • Adding insulation
  • Providing energy-efficient appliances
  • Fixing broken furnaces and windows
  • Sealing cracks
  • Installing carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.

Find your state's program

How the process works

If you’re approved, an inspector will visit your home and assess your needs and, with your approval, send contractors to your home to make improvements, at no cost to you! 

(It’s first-come, first-serve, so we suggest you apply as soon as possible.)

Find your state's program



Available rebates and credits

The U.S. Department of Energy offers rebate programs and tax credits as incentives for homeowners to make updates. These financial incentives are designed to offset the initial costs of making changes to improve your home’s

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